Saturday, May 2, 2009

Masked Miley and her Black Butterflies

Oh Miley, Miley Miley Miley. I've followed her trip over to the UK and Europe for her Hannah Montana movie (will report when I've seen it; but already covered some of it [more detail here] and obviously the general 'alter-ego/personality' theme of Hannah Montana in older posts; also I've posted a tonne of her standard Monarch/butterfly imagery [click Miley Miley opening line]) with some interest, watching her interview with Jonathan Ross and such.... she is a total fucking machine! Shown by the fact that she is constantly in this weird hyper Disney promotional mode, even Jonathan Ross (whose dealt with his fair share of "insane" MK'd celebrities) was pretty freaked by her persona (you can watch part 1 here). She is literally (in terms of her MK programming anyway) some form of corporate global Lolita robot. In the UK, London she turned up to her premiere (over a yellow and purple 'red carpet') in an outrageously short gold dress (note it is sparkling/jewel-encrusted + pyramid shapes on her wrist jewelry and such); very fitting for her age and her pre-teen/tween market. But I'd like to do a bigger Miley post shortly, had to quickly do this post because at her Paris (very symbolic location for this; with the Eiffel Tower and such [it's historically famous for it's brothels/cathouses], butterfly Paris Hilton's name illustrates this) premiere she was covered in butterflies (black on a white background [so they're grey]; more black/white duality).

More images + info from the London premiere and such at Daily Mail.

Note Brandi's (one of Miley's sisters) head partially covering the Disney store logo (she is a Disney product; the whole Cyrus family is).

Surely one of the greatest inventions of our time is 'twittering', Miley has her own account of course; the internet offers a whole new fucked up way of exposing their slaves to the masses. Most of the time she writes about how "Jesus Christ Loves You" and standard crap you'd expect to hear from these people (talking about rainbows, john lennon [the background Lennon picture creeps me out], her daddy and such). But most interesting are probably her pictures, end this quick post off with her + her sister Brandi (pictured above with Miley at the French premier) wearing masks. Tonight she is attending a "Lollipops and Rainbows" (lmao) 'charity event' (according to her post from 1 hour ago; she is literally now performing [as 15 minutes ago she was 'about to perform']), so I'll probably add more images from that into this post (also wanted to post some other stuff; mainly regarding the usual imagery, and Trace [Miley's brother] + a clearly MK'd kitten of his and more on Brandi [Edit: delayed, may just leave all that for another post anyway]) depending on what goes on in said event.

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