Friday, August 24, 2007

Just Me and the Girls

I drove straight to Manhattan Beach from work last night to meet with some college friends I haven't seen in quite a while. Everyone is gearing up to go on my friend's 21st birthday celebration: she got a houseboat for a week. All girls. I was offered to go (as the only male), but had to decline. I have to work and I didn't want to intrude for an "all girls" party... or whatever.

Arriving at my friend Vanessa's house, the girls (4 of them) were drinking glasses of wine while still getting ready. Waiting around for them to get ready brought me back to my college days where 90% of my friends were girls. Me sitting on the floor while they'd step over me to get to the bathroom or have a conversation with them, making eye contact through the mirror while they sit cross legged on the floor applying makeup.

The rest of the evening was pretty uneventful. Dinner, an alcohol run, and then back to Vanessa's house to polish them off. We found a channel that was showing The Wonder Years and we took shots of Smirnoff while discussing how good that show was. Perhaps it was the vodka swirling in my head, but it got me thinking: when am I going to find my Winnie Cooper??

I told myself I was going to sleep in my own bed tonight (I have a real neurosis about that). But when the girls started waving more shots in front of me, I had to defend myself.

Here I am, typing from The Cube, the girls on their way to a weekend on a houseboat, and I'm wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday. Maybe no one will notice. Classy.

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