Thursday, June 11, 2009

Some Christians think Jews have horns

I've read an article today on HuffPost about an online forum of American white supremacists. The author wrote about what he read there and shared his views. This is all connected to the recent incident where an 88-years old white racist went to the Holocaust Museum in Washington and killed a black security guard. Under the article, I checked some comments. I saw one that really surprised me and I decided to share it here (I only corrected some of the wrong spelling):

Ira7 "Former New York Jew here (now Florida, atheist, 52) and lived in North Carolina for a year in 1976. I was the first Jew that 99,9% of the people there had ever met, and I swear... More than one, MANY more than one, asked to feel under my thick, long hair, to feel my horns. They were NOT joking, they didn't even make any kind of satanic connection to it, but they simply thought that biologically, Jews had horns. Mind you, everyone I interacted with was EXTREMELY nice to me. They truly lived the Christian life and didn't "hold it against me", but that ignorance was still there."

I don't know why, but this story sounded funny and pathetic to me at the same time. That was 1976. I wonder if today in America still some people think Jews have horns. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. And by the way, I don't think Europe (or even Slovenia) is any better in this regard. If people believe in ancient fairytales, than this is nothing.

[Photo: Source]

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