Mess With your Mind
Because I can't be bothered to start a more substantial post just yet, here's another fashion one (they make it so easy! more quick fashion posts to come though I don't want to get too distracted with these types of fashion editorial posts, p.s. I'm going on holiday soon anyway for a couple of weeks so I'll probably get an MJ or another substantive one going after that break). I came across this and thought it was worth briefly posting on, German model Katrin Thormann's (Katrin/Katrina/Katherine meaning pure + cat dehumanization programming; bondage is a major theme in this shoot, Thormann Thor-man) Dazed & Confused magazine (it's photo shoots/themes are invariably symbolic; it's MK/pyscho associated name should give you a big clue about it too, which I've mentioned before) cover shoot was unashamedly occult themed with it's title 'Dark Magick' (Crowley's spirit consciously invoked here with the depraved themes and the 'magick' of course; "Crowley preferred the spelling magick, defining it as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will." By this, he included "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic."), the kind of magick practiced through the numerous words (invoking certain messages) written in various symbolic guises (spiral below, lots of upside down/reversed/etc in the ones you can't really read but the brain will pick up on subliminally), most of it you cannot make out (I would really appreciate it if anyone has this in HQ). The front page includes words written on Katrin's blonde hair (note black lipstick for duality against the light hair/deathly white face); such as 'Lux', 'Luciens' and 'Lumen', all meaning/associated with the light, the Illuminists/Luciferians who practice this form of ritual magick (+ programming) in all forms of media that they control. Other words I can make out on the left side of Katrin's blond hair are 'vis' (vision/to see), what looks like 'nevis' (if the etymology of 'Ben Nevis' is correct, ['beinn' meaning mountain/peak] nevis derives from 'nibheis' meaning malicious/venomous apparently). 'Nillus' may refer to Sergei Nilus who was the first to publish the 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' "in full" in 1905; an extremely helpful book for the "elite" in showing that any future suggestion of an "Illuminist" conspiracy is just mindless antisemitism. Nillus may also refer to 'Saint Nilus the Elder', whose prophecy (questionable authenticity; it sort of reads like it was written by a modern day homophobic evangelical christian zealot, pissed off at society in my opinion) certainly fits the bill for the themes employed in this shoot as androgyny and dehuamization are, as usual major themes: "[in the time of the Antichrist]...People's appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. These people will be cruel and will be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist..." Some of the other words I cannot make out, feel free to interpret them/correct mine in the comments.
Spiraling round Katrin's face wearing animal ears (dehumanization; could also be considered horns symbolic): "Her eyes wanted nothing to get away. Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows.", a quote taken from Ted Hughes' poem 'Lovesong', Hughes was into the occult (cabala/rosicrucianism) and his wife Sylvia Plath (probably sexually abused by her father who died when she was 8, judging by her work's themes; she had some serious "daddy issues"/electra complex anyway) gassed herself at age 30 with her children in the next room (she also "placed her head in the oven while the gas was turned on."); but had previously tried to kill herself after working for a fashion magazine in New York, she was committed and electroshocked before getting involved with Ted Hughes. The woman Hughes had an affair with and left Plath for, Assia Wevill also killed herself in a similar way to Plath: "On March 23, 1969, 41 year old Assia Wevill murdered her 4 year old daughter Shura and took her own life in a manner that closely echoed Plath's suicide. Dragging a mattress into the kitchen, Assia sealed the door and window. She then laid her child down on the mattress and dissolved some sleeping pills for herself in a glass of whiskey. Taking the pills, she turned on the gas stove, and lay down next to her daughter." Plath's son also killed himself earlier this year. The point of this is that many lines from Hughes' poem(s) are used here and his tormented relationships (he was more than likely abusive to his wives/mistresses, potentially manipulated slaves who had self destruction programming triggered) probably give energy to his works (+ his interest in the occult), used here for ritual magick purposes I think.

More lines from that "lovesong" poem by Hughes written on the arms of the two bondage clothing wearing, embracing models. Some more ritual androgyny on the above right, note the sexually depraved artwork to go along with the androgyny reaching up to the male model below (pulling him into that 'reality'; which is I guess how this magick/conditioning is working on the masses to some degree). "In secret between the shadow and the soul." (line from a Pablo Nerundo love sonnet, the line before that goes:
"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,in secret, between the shadow and the soul.")

Bondage themes (all the chains in the artwork etc) and dehumanization with the bondage dog mask worn by the androgyny dressed/gender reversed male model (in the below left image, in the top right of it I think that's a butterfly also).

More dehumanization + bondage symbolism with chains/dog mask (also padlock/chains fake tattoo on the male model on the below right).

"The pleasure and the pain is what I feel the love the most." Pain and pleasure, love/sex and violence reversed/confused, more bondage symbolism with the leather/straps.

The photographer is Mariano Vivanco by the way.

Other models featured in the 'Dark Magick' shoot but Katrin was the main one on the cover, to finish here are a few images of her looking like a typically tranced model.

Some of Katrina's in duality stripes/checkerboards on the katwalk.

And a recent set of Kat in a spread titled.. 'Cat Pack' (wearing duality symbolic cat iconography in the first couple) + nudity is always suggestive of their (sex) kitten programming and a couple of other motifs (one eye/half face covered, blurred face [giving a slight double/split personality effect as you can make out half of the face in the red ghostly blurred part of the face/image], last one has pyramidal type shapes on the necklace).