Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trip to Seoul: My third day

I walked around Seoul for 10h again

Namsan tower at noon.

Yay! My Seoul trip is really great. Day three and I'm having a blast. Today I explored the new parts of Seoul, focusing on the Namsan tower, Yeouido and the awesome spots around Samseong station. But I also visited some old palaces, because yesterday I had no time to see them all. And I also had Korean barbecue and soju. Will blog about it in the days to come. It was really a long day and I came home very late. I'm extremely tired and happy. I think the soju made me a bit drunk, hehe. Anyway, let my pics do the talking. They will tell you, what I will blog about in the days to come.

I will introduce a statue of the king Sejong the great, who invented the Korean writing system, that looks like this -> 세종장헌영문예무인성명효대왕

I will show you the interiors of several historic buildings.

I will show you the National folk museum.

I will write about Korean girls and post pics of sakura.

I will show you modern skyscrapers like this one, the famous Trade Tower.

And I will blog about the Korean food I had and the soju I drank.

[My SEOUL page][All photos by MKL, 2010]

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