Monday, March 9, 2009

From Don Juan... Pt. 1 of 2

This one is a doozy.

A fucking doozy.

As you may recall, a while back offered me a free trial period if I would blog about my experiences. It was an epic failure and after I got eServed, I stopped going on the account completely. It wasn't until about two months ago when I noticed I was getting charged.

I logged back onto my account to sort those fuckers out, when I noticed I had an email from a girl.

Well, shit. It had been sitting in there, unopened for quite some time and I felt obligated to respond. After all, I had bitch n' moaned about girls never writing me back, so I wanted to do this for her.

I'm just going to come right out and say that she wasn't my cup of tea in both physical and personality departments. She was just kind of... vanilla. Plain Jane, nothing to write home about (I'm a dick. But an anonymous dick, so it's all good). Her interests included music, her favorite movie was The Notebook, and she loved reading US Weekly. It wasn't ever meant to be.

But she was nice enough to take the time and reach out to me so I wrote her back.

It was a delicate situation and I think I did a pretty good job of executing the whole, "Being courteous and polite, but not doing anything that might show her I'm at all interested." I kept my answers short, I never asked more about her.

And then I dusted my hands after I clicked "Send" thinking that would be the end of it. She'd walk away with a good feeling that a guy responded and I walk away feeling like Johnny fucking Appleseed, spreading good deeds everywhere.

This would not be the case.

She wrote me back an email. I waited for like 3 or 4 days before responding, thinking this might help give that friendly nudge that I wasn't that interested. Again, I wasn't a dick or anything, I just was very to the point and not inquisitive; very blah.

It wasn't until the next email she wrote me when things started to get a little... sticky. She ended her email with, "Well, I don't normally do this, but would you like to get drinks sometime?"

Well fuck.

I had to say "yes" at this point. Why? Because I ALSO complain about how girls don't take initiative and depend solely on guys to get the ball rolling. I didn't want to politely decline, only for the girl to chalk it up to me being freaked out that a girl asked me out and then to have her never ask a guy out again.

Drinks. Casual. Not that big of a deal. I can do this.

So I agree, but again, I make sure I'm not enthusiastic in my response. "Yeah sure. Text me or something next time you're out".

She gave me her number, I hastily threw it in my phone and went back to playing Mega Man 9 on the Wii.


To Be Continued.

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