Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Good Stuff

Jack had never heard about the epic and heroic tale of my first kiss with Lynn. So after I filled him in and waited for him to wipe the tears away from his face, we had this convo...

Jack: Still though, best feeling in the world.
So@24: Totally.
Jack: God. If you could buy that feeling on the street, I'd be strung out on it 24-7. I hope that's a feeling you get to keep having when you're older.
So@24: Me too. There's nothing quite like it.
Jack: I don't think I've had a kiss like that, where I felt like my life was on the line, since 2005.


Now kissing is just kissing.
So@24: Definitely one of those things where if I could relive it again (despite how humiliating it was), I would. Even after knowing where we'd end up.
Jack: Jesus, I know. It's usually on the doorstep. You're heart is going crazy in your chest, she goes inside after and you damn near do a flip walking back to your car.
So@24: You might even pull out the one knee to the ground, fist pump.
Jack: When it's true. It's true. Fuck aging, man. God, I hope I have at least one more of those in front of me.
So@24: I had that half smile going on when I was recapping it for you. You think it's gonna come back?
Jack: I think it does. It's just rare, which is why it's so damn great.
So@24: That's the good stuff.

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