Thursday, August 28, 2008

You'll Help Me w/ My Online Dating Profile, Right? Pt. 1: The Plunge

That's right.

I'm fucking doing it, mo fos.

A few reasons for taking that digital plunge:
  1. My post
  2. A recent flurry of friends and bloggers have been trying to convince me to do so
  3. With Leo leaving, me moving... I'm in a weird state of ch-ch-changes. Maybe it's time to do something bold.
  4. My friend Michelle called my ass out for "never taking any initiative" and "always waiting for the girls to come to me".
  5. It has the potential to be hilarious, I could use the blogging fodder
  6. I have more game online than I do in real life.
  7. Besides, what kind of dating blog exists without the blogger going on a single date in almost 2 years?
I've been asking a lot of people their opinions on Online Dating. It seems to be the norm. Or at least normal, sane, attractive people are doing it.

Times are a changin'.
The cavemen clubbed their hunnies unconscious and drug them back to their bachelor pads.
The Ancient Greeks got all up in their lil slave boys.
Victorian gentlemen impressed the parents of their love with a dowry.
Then you had awkward fumblings in the back seat of a jalopy on Make Out Lane after a sock hop.
Psychedelic drugs helped things move along in the age of free love.

Now we have internet dating. Right? I mean... right?

I dunno though. I'm still embarrassed about this whole thing. I feel like an ashamed 12 year old who just discovered masturbation... trying to casually ask his buddies if they do it too.

Here's where I need your help!

I am going to dedicate a post to each question the dating site asks me to fill out.

I will post 3 possible answers I want to submit and have a vote as to which one should make the final cut.

Therefore, you'll be taking this awkward step with me. And if I fail, I can blame you. It's win win.

I thought it'd be fun and interactive step in the blog (much like Number Munchers in elementary school). If it turns out readers don't like this idea, I'll scrap it altogether.

So, will you help me?

Leo: Uncle Leo is intrigued, but a bit hesitant. It's like that super cute girl at the bar who is just a hair's breadth past "sexy" into "skanky". Could be fun. Or contagious.

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