Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another Post Referencing The Wonder Twins

** I recommend you don't read further if you're not into The Wonder Twins or sickening saccharine flirtation. Yes. This is another entry that is chock-full of both.

You can be my Wonder Twin. You would turn into water and I would turn into the animal.
So@24: Why do you get to be the animal??
Violet: Because the girl turns into animals.
So@24: Power of... STEAM!
Violet: What would happen if you turned into a puddle and I drank you? Would you die?
So@24: I'd probably turn into beads of sweat on your body.
Violet: Would you like that?
So@24: It'd be the closest I've been to a woman's body in years.
Violet: How can you stand it??
So@24: I use my humor to mask my pain.

If you take anything away from this conversation, it is these points.

1. Apparently my "game" exists only on the internet.
2. My little heart flutters for girls who just might be as toolish as me.
3. I am probably the only person in the world to use a Hanna Barbera cartoon as a means of sexual innuendo.

* I reference the Wonder Twins in another post here.

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