Friday, February 27, 2009

Why I Blog

I'm always grateful to get letters from readers.

The idea that people are actually sitting down and taking time out of their day to type out a well though out email is extremely flattering. I'm always shocked when I see a new email pop up in the ol' So@24 mailbox.

Most of the emails I receive are people asking me for advice. 99.9% come from the female community and they will tell me about a current dilemma they are having with a guy and ask me to weigh in with my opinion. I'm always happy to analyze the situation and share my two cents, but I can't help but chuckle to myself that these girls are trusting me with their romance dilemmas.

I'm tempted to respond with, "Have you READ my blog? Am I the person you really want to be going to for relationship advice??

I digress. I actually wanted to talk about an email that arrived in my mailbox yesterday that caused me to do a double take.

I've mentioned this before, but I believe it deserves repeating. When I originally started this blog, I actually intended it to be a tool for men to use that have just recently gotten out of a long term relationship. Not only did I want to keep a personal record of the steps I took and the experiences I went through to go from 6 year relationship to single to a successful relationship; I wanted other guys to see that it was possible too.

I received the following email from a guy named Justin. I wanted to share it with my readers and to say, "thank you".

Thanks for reminding me why I blog.


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Hey So@24,

I am sure this isn't the first thank you note you have received, but I just wanted to thank you for sharing your journey in recovering from a long term relationship. I have been reading your "mini stories" for couple hours now (while I should be studying for midterms) and words can't describe how your blog has touched me.

It has been 9 months since my first girlfriend broke up with me, although I am getting stronger everyday, from time to time I will stumble and think about her and all the memories we hold. I know I am not fully moved on but like you have heard many times, time heals all wounds.

In your passages I really felt like I was in your position numerous amounts of time, like I was actually in your shoes. I guess in some ways I am. But your blog has showed me something that none of my friends or family were able to do, which is the light at the end of the tunnel. Its funny how you are just one person in the world with a simple little blog yet you don't know what you have done for many people in this similar situation.

You have sparked my interest to start my own blog, something that will get my emotions out and hopefully help me reach the end of the tunnel.

I want to keep this short, but thanks for sharing this part of your life, you have no idea how much your stories have helped me take another step to healing from my break up and I am sure there are many other individuals that have benefited from your blog as well.


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