Monday, June 9, 2008

Appreciate a Good Conversationalist

How else are you going to meet new people if you're just standing around the same keg at every party with the same guys, sharing the same stories?

I've learned to force myself into conversations with random people at parties. Stepping out of that comfort zone is inevitable and with it comes mixed results. However, at a random house party in San Francisco this weekend, I had an epiphany.

While standing around with my friend Collin (our group's notorious prankster & practical joker), a girl in a ruffle skirt and a trucker hat started to chat us up.

After listening to her talk for approximately 32 seconds, I made the decision... for the first time ever... to consciously shut off my brain.

I have to admit that I admire her gusto, she was clearly 3 (or 4 or 5) sheets to the wind and initiated conversation with two completely random strangers. And in my defense, I gave it the old college try: I actually started to pay attention to the noises coming out of her mouth. But within seconds, I could tell this girl was going to give us her complete life story and it wasn't anywhere close to be considered interesting.

Slow fade out

So@24's Innermonologue: I am going to consciously think about something else right now. I wonder what Collin is drinking? Maybe I should have gotten that...

Slow fade back in

Trucker Hat Mama: then I decided it might be a good idea to get my GED, but I really couldn't get motivated, you know?...

Slow fade out

So@24's Innermonologue: What kind of hat is she wearing anyway? Rockstar huh? I remember when trucker hats were cool. I wonder if she gets that all the time...

Slow fade back in

Trucker Hat Mama: ... and then I was like, "Well, maybe I should move to San Francisco!" But my bff for like evs and evs was like, "I can't believe you're leaving me!" And we...

Slow fade back out

So@24's Innermonologue: God. She hasn't even made it to San Francisco yet. I wonder what Collin is thinking right now. At least I'm making eye contact and occasionally nodding my head. He's not even trying. I'm a goddamn prince compared to this guy.

Slow fade back in

Trucker Hat Mama: ...I discovered that China Town has so many asian people! I thought it was just like a cute phrase, you know? Oh my God, you're not offended are you? I can be such a dork sometimes. But I don't really like rice.

Slow fade back out

So@24's Innermonologue: I have had way more stimulating, way more engaging, and hellva lot more fun conversations over the computer with someone across the world than this exchange I am having right now. This conversation in person. What does this mean? I wonder what my internet friend is doing now?

Slow fade in

Trucker Hat Mama: ... so what's your guys' story?

I shoot a look to Collin. Come on Collin, say something to save this conversation. Start talking about yourself. Say something. Anything!

Collin: We're a gay couple.

Thanks buddy.

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