Friday, August 22, 2008

Facebook Stalking? Never! Ok, that's a lie. But I'm alright with that.

Is it so wrong that when I see a cute girl, I automatically search for her profile on Facebook?

Or what about utilizing that (often dreaded) "Friends You May Know" application? Is it so wrong that my interest piques if I see a cute girl who is a UW alumus, lives in Manhattan Beach, and we have 31 friends in common?

I know for a fact that I'm not the only person to do this or at least have this train of thought. I am going to make the bold claim that a large majority of my fellow peers Facebook stalk. It's the fastest way and most effective way to get that quick information about a girl. Bam! Bam! Bam!

Is she cute? At least from these pictures. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and chalk that trucker hat pic up to the half empty half g of cheap vodka.
Is she single? Sweet.
Favorite music? Oh fuck yeah, she likes The Decemberists!
Favorite activities? I don't agree with her "Sex & the City nights with the girls" policy, but I do like her "napping" policy.

Hey! Will you look at that; she's friends with my ol' frat bro Troggy! Maybe he can put in a good word?

Now look me in my blogging eyes and tell me I'm the only person that does this! I'm not saying I'd go as far as to have the balls to just randomly "Friend Request" a complete stranger. But I don't think there's anything wrong with doing a little homework.

Maybe this is what it's come to. Maybe this is how people get dates these days?

The "scene" is not like it was 50 years ago. And this isn't just about dating, but a means of social interaction in general. Think about it. We're not like our grandfathers who stop off at the local watering hole with buddies after work to sling a few drinks before heading home.

Instead, we're sending out shitty evites decorated with shitty clip art.

I don't particularly like the rules, but I'm coming to realize that maybe it's time that I played by them. Maybe it's time that I lose my iron grip on the door frame and admit that, yeah... it's how people are doing it these days.

Ideally, I'd still like to say I met my next girlfriend (as Leo put it) when we locked eyes while crossing paths on a hike up Mt. Kilimanjaro...

But maybe the next one will come from me clicking on Blankets and seeing which attractive girls in my area also appreciate its genius...

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