Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Job = New Social Circles = New Hunnies (Follow Up)

Tomorrow is Week 2 for my new job. I absolutely love it; bosses are great, the work is great, it's exactly where I want to be.

I'm still in the awkward stages of "I'm still the new guy", so even though I've met a million people and seen a million faces, I haven't really made "friends" with anyone yet. I wish there was a way to fast forward this inevitable phase and get straight to the going to happy hour with the gang part and sharing lewd, knee-slapping jokes by the water cooler.

As for bringing this entry back to the whole topic of being single: I realized that I am the only male assistant among 5 other females in my department. Naturally all my friends keep asking me, "So c'mon... are they hot?"

But I know better. A wise person once told me, "you don't shit where you eat."

I'm hoping that they have friends though. Which will be key in the long run, if anything at least to meet some new people. It's rough in this day and age. And one of the girls is a total Guitar Hero guru, how sweet is that?? If that doesn't scream social gathering, I'm not quite sure I want to be a part of it.

So I sit at my newly furnished cubicle, filling out expense reports... biding my time. Pacing back and forth like a jaguar.

Mmmm... that's not quite the descriptor I want to give to myself. But you get the idea.

SIDENOTE: Did I mention that Leo and Jack made some "really cool" pact not to drink for the entire month of January? I don't even like to talk about it. I have to constantly rub my templed with two fingers and listen to Pure Moods just to not go completely ape shit on how ridiculously moronic it is...

See? There I go again. Calm me Enya. Calm me.

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