Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chatty Cathys

I never did end up meeting my old acquaintance from college for drinks that night, but we did eventually meet up. This turns out to be a huge godsend, even keeping in mind that I had absolutely no romantic interest in her whatsoever.

She stopped by my house yesterday evening when she got out of her movie. I went out to meet her as she parked, we hugged and then she followed me into our kitchen. After introductions were made, I started asking her about how the film was.

Big mistake.

She kept going on. And on. And on. And on. Something about how she liked "the sound" and something about "the content".

I admit that I'm not one of those types that "pretends" to pay attention. I actually listen; that is, if you're interesting. As luck would have it, she wasn't. And I actually found myself not paying attention to anything spewing from her word hole. I covered up with a lot of "Hmm hmms", "Oh interesting", and "Gotchya"s.

After subtlety texting Leo "Zzzzzzz", she talked more about film and Los Angeles and then it memories came rushing back to me from our brief college experience together. She was the type of drama kid who tries really, really hard to be artsy, but actually... isn't.

Perhaps I am being too harsh, but I'd be lying if I didn't release a sigh of relief when she said she had to meet up with some friends. I guess it could have been worse; she could have been a bitch.

* * *

This morning I wake up to numerous texts from these random girls I've hung out with a small handful of times (one of which is that girl who I got chewed out for not flirting with). And one of them is a walking cliche' of all that is the stereotype of the O.C (you might remember her as Catrina from here).


They are nice enough, but I really have nothing to talk with them about. But that incessantly keep asking me to hang out and when I decline, I get shit from them for it. I feel bad, because I should take it as a compliment that they want to hang out with me as often as they do.

There was a time when I wouldn't have given two shit about worrying if I should be hanging out or not. I would have just said "neh". But I've developed a theory that when you're single, you force yourself to go to these social gatherings that you normally would brush off without thinking twice. I only hang out with them because it's something to do with members of the opposite sex.

I drive out to meet them at a bar to watch "the game"; keep in mind I don't care about professional football. The bar is absolutely packed. It takes me 20 minutes to grab a beer and when I finally meet up with the girls, it's the quick "so what's new" conversation that lasts about 40 seconds before it turns to standing around, sipping our drinks, looking around at anything that might distract us from this terribly awkward moment.

Catrina actually says to me, "Hey! How are you?? Will you buy me a drink? I quit my job and I have no money!"

Those are her exact words. I'm not making this up for comic relief.

"Sure." I just got paid, I'm not going to be a dick. Whatever.

And then Catrina shuffles away with her (my) beverage and returns to tell me a HILARIOUS story.

Catrina: "ohmygodyouwouldntbelieveit. Ijustranintosomerandomguyfrommyhighschool!! isntthatfunny!? ButIhatemyhighschoolsolame. Everyoneatmyhighschoolwassososososolame. SowhenIseepeoplefromschoolI'mlike"yay!" BecauseIfeellikeI'mtherealwinner"
So@24: Uh huh. I see.

After I pound my hefeweizen in record time, I look at my watch and say,

"Yeah guys, I think I'm going to take off. This bar is too loud, I don't care about Packers or the Giants, and it's too crowded."

"Awwwws" were delivered, but I stayed strong and told them we'd meet up later.

* * *

Now I sit and blog. I think it's one of those days where I feel like being alone. Maybe I'll meander over to a bar close by. When they open. In two hours.

Now playing: Poison - Talk Dirty To Me

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