Thursday, July 19, 2012

motorcycle arabian

Motorcycle Horse
I’ve seen horse bicycles but never a motorcycle tricked out like this. Somehow it seems fitting that it’s an Arabian!

Safari motorcycles by Andrius Basinskas - Stock Photo 

If you think you ve ridden dunes  you ain t ridden s* @ until you do it in the Persian Gulf. 
 Next adventure was an ATV tour of the Qatari desert. Our group found some big, easy jumps and we soared alongside brave locals who took the leap rocking Birkenstocks, Christian-Dior sunglasses and trick Louis-Vuitton-print bodywork without any helmets aboard their various bad-ass quads and Rhinos. We even stumbled across the Sheik’s mobile dune palace. Apparently he likes to play in the sand like the rest of us. Just don’t get too close because the guards looked scary. 
Capping things off was a boat tour of the Persian Gulf from the deck of an old Junk. After fending off an armed coast guard patrol vessel wondering why a dozen Americans were leaving the harbor at dusk with a crusty-

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