I was Googling some more information about the upcoming game between Slovenia and USA and came across few websites and blogs. I was curious what American bloggers write about Slovenia, their nation's next competitor at the World Cup. I came across a random blog from Seattle and saw this:

So I thought: Ok, again someone mistook Slovenia for Slovakia. Is it a big deal? No. Not for me. I've written about it and hopefully those who don't know the difference will come to my blog and learn about it. Simple as that, right? Well, it should be, but I guess not for everyone. I scrolled down and saw this comment:

What the f...??? Obviously it was one of those stupid Slovenian netizens, who go around the web and comment on every post ever written about Slovenia and complain about it, if they find a mistake or attack the author for no apparent reason. How stupid is that?
Generally Slovenians don't hate Americans, bet there are people like this one, who are a disgrace for my home country Slovenia. In the blog above, the author did not intend to ridicule our country, it was probably just a typo. As I already said in my post on the issue, it's not easy to distinguish Slovenia and Slovakia, because we are historically and linguistically related. I wonder how many Slovenians distinguish Latvia and Litva or Paraguay and Uruguay? Or the Democratic Republic of Kongo and Republic of Kongo? Or Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan? I guess not too many... So what's the big deal?
I don't understand, why there's so much hate against USA among Slovenian netizens. Comments on news websites, blogs and forums and under you-tube videos are full of Slovenian morons who attack USA for no apparent reason.
Check Letterman's funny joke about Slovenia. This video is all over the Slovenian blogosphere. I first saw it on Had's blog. If you read the comments of Slovenian netizens recently, the joke makes total sense. Some of us Slovenians are EXACTLY like that. It's sad...
People, we're playing a friggin football game today, not starting a war or having a debate on imperialism, dammit! Football should unite people, not divide them!
Now, I must say, some American netizens don't behave any better, they provoke and verbally attack Slovenia and Slovenians, but it looks more like fun to them, because they see how seriously Slovenians react and get all riled up. Don't play into their game, it's pathetic. It's like: Where the f... is Slovenia argument vs. Stupid arrogant Americans argument. And in both cases, people who start with these provocations are not real football fans.
The real American football fan will find information about Slovenia online and find out where Slovenia is and respect our team, because they rightfully qualified for the World cup. The real Slovenian fan will respect the US soccer team and focus on the game and not on whatever USA might have done or is doing wrong in the world. Don't forget, it's a football game, not war!
Slovenians and Americans, stop attacking each other on the web, that's not the spirit of the World Cup. May the best one win and I hope it will be a great game to watch. I'm sure, if we play fair and well, many Americans will get to know our country and I hope that in exchange, more Slovenians will learn to respect the US soccer team. Thank god, these noisy morons on each side are in a minority. I hope the vuvuzelas will silence them today.
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