Thursday, March 18, 2010

How do you like your coffee?

Musing about life, blogging and my upcoming birthday

*Don't read, if you don't want. Actually, reading this is boring. You were warned ;-)

In 10 days I will be 30 years old. It feels so weird. For a long decade, my age always started with "twen..." and in 10 days, when someone asks me, how old I am, I will have to say "thirty...". Damn, thirty!!! I don't feel like 30! But I also don't feel like 20 anymore! How about staying 29 forever? I don't know what to think, but I do miss the days when I was 24. That seems to be my favorite age. Although I don't have really good memories from 2004, I remember that I was happy with my age at that time and that I didn't have worries like now. But well, at one point, you need to grow up and live your life, right? Sometimes I think I don't really wanna grow up. I don't wanna be someone, who will be called "uncle" by the kids...

"Look at the uncle, he's so old." Or in the train: "Uncle, do you want to sit?" >_<

Dammit, FML, if that happens. I really don't feel old, but I'm really scared of 40. And every time I become a decade older, people say stuff like: Life just starts at 20. Life just starts at 30. Life just starts at... ...just starts at 70 O_o But in real, people think: Wow, he's 30? I'll be 30 in few years. I'm so glad, that I still have few years to go. Phewww... (At least that's what I would think). Basically life starts at birth, if I remember the biology class well. Ok, sure, some will say life starts at conception. But does it really? I mean, everything's taken care of, you don't even need to breathe! You're in a warm liquid bubble, you're constantly carried and fed,

It do not get better than this!

Life starts at birth, because you're thrown out of your bubble. You need to start breathing, you're unplugged from your warm and cozy bubble and so it's no wonder, that you start crying. I'd also cry, if someone cut the electricity, while I'm watching my fav movie on DVD, laying in bed and eating nachos. Ok, bad comparison, but you get my attempt to be funny point. @_@

So here I am, living for nearly 30 years and what have I accomplished? Sometimes I feel I've done nothing. Maybe I'm 30 in the wrong decade. Had I been 30 in 1975, I would've been a well respected professor, my long and excruciating education would've paid off well... (that's what I imagine, lol. But sometimes I wonder, why do we need knowledge now? You have Google, Wikipedia, translation tools. You can learn everything and anything online. Everyone has laptops or fancy cellphones, why do we need books? Why learning by heart, if knowledge has lost it's value?

I don't know, where does this lead to, but it seems that in 2010 it's all about the money. People with no schools get rich, while intellectuals can't find decent jobs! The world as we know it, has turned upside down. When you look for a job, they want you to have the best degree (best is, if you've studied abroad), tons of certificates, recommendation letters, 5 years working experience, all kinds of achievements and you need to be flexible, work overtime and expect to be paid less in the beginning. You're just thrown in there, nobody tells you how things are done. And when you screw up, they tell you off again. You wanna rent a flat, they screw you over. You wanna buy a house, good luck working your ass off for another 20 years, paying off your mortgage and having no life. One mistake and work and your house of cards collapses. Why are blogs full of people bitchin' about their jobs? Because that's how it is out there.

Nothing makes sense anymore these days... and I refuse to adopt the number three for my birthday number. How about I say I'm 29+1 instead of 30 (*cringes)? Sounds way better, don't you think? O_o I'm bitchin' now, but will I be happy on my birthday? Yes. Because I will be with my girlfriend, who says she'll surprise me and I know it will be a great day, cuz she's awesome and amazing. I'll probably be touched and sobbing like a baby seal. I wonder myself. +_+

Another thing on my mind is blogging. I have a lot to share lately, but I don't have a lot to say. I'm having fun here in Taiwan and recently in Macau. I mean, it's not fun every day. Sometimes it rains and I don't go anywhere. The most fun I have here is the time spent with my girlfriend. But I just can't blog about that, Blogger would R-rate me or so, lol. No, just kidding. Ehm, actually not. Anyway, I just feel lately, that I have no mood to write personal posts (this one is an exception). It's more fun to write my travel reviews. And I don't blame you, if you get sick of it. Don't need to read or comment, I totally don't mind. Honestly, these fucktards really sucked out a lot of energy from me, so did this creep. Oh, and special thanks to Carina, who stood up for me there. Sometimes I feel that blogging is constantly redefining itself. And I think you need to change, you need to give something new, if not, it gets boring. I won't blog about Taiwan forever, after the routine sinks in, I will be bitchin' about something else, I guess. Or maybe I will take a break, I don't know. Hopefully something funny will happen at my expense and we can have a good laugh about it.

You know, sometimes I wonder, when I look at posts like this. People, who know each other and had a misunderstanding or a problem, try to solve it online! By writing a post and discussing in the comments. Why. the. fuck? Seriously, where are the days, where we just spoke eye to eye and solve problems? It's another thing, if some random dude attacks you online and you write something back. That's just harmless tit for tat. But if you know someone in real and you have a problem with him, why do you have to go and blog about it? Even, if he's an ass, even if all it's true, why aren't you man enough to say it in real, in his face? I don't know. Now that I'm nearly 30, I feel blogging has become more and more immature, childish and repetitive. The thing is, I have no mood finding new blogs, I sometimes even don't follow back, if someone new comes here. I'm so different than before. Sometimes it's even hard to reply to all the comments, so I disabled some. Maybe I should do like Shingo here, but I love to interact with my readers. We'll see. Seems like I've reached my limits now. I love you guys, those who became my friends or very close followers. I can't wait to read about your next adventures and hopefully I will be able to meet up with some of you in the future. I'm especially ogling my Malaysian friends (*winks).

Anyway, what's the point of debating an issue online? I've become more and more weary of pointless debates, where someone wants to prove you wrong online. Seriously, even if I am. So what? Do you feel like you have won? What? O_o What have you won? You proved a point to a stranger, who doesn't give a s*** about you and totally forgets about you the next day. I must say, I was like that, too. So this is also directed to me as a reminder. I should and I shall not care anymore. I mean, imagine, if you share your opinion on religion, on politics, race, gay rights, New Moon, Justin Bieber? You just divide your followers into two camps, some pro, some contra, in the end you have 100 comments proving nothing. Because commenting on a random blog post is not life. Life is waking up and going to work or school. Life is meeting ends. Life is meeting friends. Life is buying clothes and make up. Life is cooking lunch or raising a kid, filling up the gas tank, cleaning after your dog. These are the instances, where your action does make sense and does have an impact on your life and some people's lives close to you. Vigorously defending your opinion in a comment just doesn't mean anything. Blogs are overrated. At least some are. Do you write down everything that's on your mind without censoring yourself? I guess not, because you're afraid of offending someone, right? Right. But that's actually good, because even if we all said exactly what we thought, there would be nothing good coming out of it. In real life, you also don't say everything you think straight out. Do you say to your friend: "Your new jacket looks awful! OMG, how could you be so tasteless?" Instead you smile and say:"Looks nice, wow, great, good for you..." >_<

Who wants to hear the truth? I mean, the real opinion. There are no truths, only opinions, when it comes to these matters. I like this, you like that. I like soup, you don't. I like pork, you like chicken. It's all preference, all opinions and you can't debate someone's personal taste, right? Even, if 100 people think same as you and 1 doesn't, he's still right in his own way. And what's 100 compared to 6 gazillion people on this friggin Earth? :-P

Anyway, to sum up, my points are: I will be 30 soon, I don't know what to think, I have fun with my girlfriend, everything is random, blogging is overrated, I will bore you with Taiwan and update like a mad man until I find a way to bore you with something else, I'm sick of online debates and dramas and I'm now gonna go out to Taipei city and grab something to eat. And I will have a nice big cup of latte.

And now I ask you:

How do you like your coffee? Black, with sugar, milk, big or small cup?

[ps: Don't say you weren't warned! ^_~]

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