Well, New Year come again. I hope you all did and happy new year to everybody. Cheers!
Hey you! Are you in town?? When do I get to see you? ;)Oh God. It's the Nurse. How did she know I was back??
- sent via cell phone at 11:34 pm.
On snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps.
So. It's that fucking time of the year again.
You know what I'm talking about. The time of the year when it suddenly turns 12:00 am and the rest of society suddenly expects you to turn into Cassanova and plant a kiss on an unsuspecting wench.
Well fuck you, Society. I've been trying this technique for over a year. Do you really think just because it's December 31st that these fraulines are going to be flipping up their skirts and saying "take me, you squinty-eyed knave, take me?" No. It's not that easy.
Unless you have alcohol. Top shelf. And a setting that gives off the appearance that you have money.
Which is where our good friend comes in.
House in the Hollywood Hills. A heated pool. Booze. A hired bartender. Some swanky velvet rope (to keep us TRUE partiers from falling off the balcony and causing a messy lawsuit to our generous host).
So. Do you want to spend New Years at some crowded bar where you're going to throw down $65.60 on a bar tab where, if the planets are aligned and the cave dwelling carvings ring true, you might actually kiss some one attractive for .34 seconds? Or do you want to dress up in a tie and actually get down with some people with substance.
Choice wisely.*
I'm out.